Unless you believe that the United States should only have one political party, you should care about the border and immigration. Ask yourself why the present administration has purposely created an open-door policy. The answer is simple. When the undocumented become citizens through amnesty, the democrats believe that the undocumented will only vote for democrats. This will guarantee that power will rest with the democrats forever.
You must admit that it’s a brilliant plan. Although it has the earmarks of a dictatorship, it is clever to utilize the United States system of free elections to never allow power to pass to another political party. Open borders, for a period of years is changing the dynamics of the United States of America. We are witnessing the bad actors who have come over the border into our cities. Crime is only spoken about on a first-hand basis. Generally, the media is silent in portraying the impact of crime.
Most of our population can remember generations of our own families who immigrated to the United States. They came prepared to assimilate and create their own American dream. The United States, in an orderly process, welcomes at least one million immigrants every year. It entails waiting. It enables the government to know who is coming into the country. The open border has allowed hundreds of terrorists into the country. The effect on the native labor force has yet to be analyzed. The explosion to the federal budget to accommodate the immigrants is in the billions of dollars. Perhaps even more. Cities, that tax their residents, to provide local services, are being asked to pay for health care, education, shelter and other necessities for the undocumented, while their own homeless and vets are ignored. It is a chaotic scheme with only one objective in mind. Hold on to the power at any cost!
The full effects of the open border have probably not been realized at this time. Already, certain areas have recruited the undocumented to register voters for the federal election. Can we be sure that they are not registering themselves? Permission has already been granted to allow undocumented to obtain drivers licenses. If states allow a driver’s license to be evidence of citizenship, which is a requirement to vote in a federal election, there will be no guard rails.