This presidential election, we have been told, is probably one of the most important elections of our time. If this is true, our vote will enable change in our own locality, as well as our global world. We, the people have the constitutional right to express our will at the ballet box. To be worthy of this sacred privilege should compel us to become informed about many important issues that will affect our lives, and the lives of our children indefinitely.
Our vote will reflect, not only our values, but our hopes for the future. It is not easy to be cognizant of local and world events while trying to pursue daily household tasks for our family and ourselves. To be worthy of the vote we cast, wouldn’t it be a good idea to try to understand just what the consequences are after the election? Another words, the day after the day after.
Sifting through the vast amount of information in the media, one is constantly confronted with opinions that have specific objectives. It all comes down to one thing politically. They want your vote. Your sacred vote. It seems a bit short sighted to only consider one issue. Are you concerned about the safety of your job, the economy, inflation, the border, abortion, crime, or the foreign policy that effects wars around the world? In this case, knowledge is power. And the more knowledge you have, the more informed you will be. And when you cast your vote, you will have skin in the game to advance your beliefs.
By itself, abortion is an important concern. However, should this issue cover everything that your vote signifies? If it were possible, if there were no extremes, perhaps we could reach a common ground where we all feel comfortable with the restrictions of abortion. The Supreme Court released Pandora’s box when the decision was left up to the states. Extreme measures now dominate some states which may or may not truly reflect the wishes of the majority of those who inhabit that state. Putting the abortion issue on the ballot in a state is a fair way to determine the law-barring unfair bias and financial influence from parties who are determined to advance their cause. It should be put on the ballot and let the people decide. This is a singular issue. Once a decision is made, let’s move on. Let’s accommodate those who want an abortion. Let’s be aware that this decision is not made without great consideration and consternation. Conditions and personal situations give a woman the right to determine whether she is going to make the commitment to have a child or not.
Why would anyone want to vote on one issue? Why would all the other important components that affect our daily lives be put on the chopping block? Will we not be affected by all the financial laws and regulations invoked by the party in power? Will we not suffer the long-term consequences of continuous inflation and higher interest rates? Do we want to be empowered to do something about the surge of 10 million undocumented immigrants in our country? Do we want to feel safe when we walk down the streets where we live? Should we be worried that the resources and our tax dollars are sent to other countries because aggression in the world necessitates it? These conditions require consideration when one casts his or her vote because we are not only voting for the here and now for ourselves, we are mapping the future for our children and our grandchildren. Let’s look into the crystal ball. Imagine that conditions that exist today are multiplied exponentially. Can you imagine what our world will look like?
When you cast your vote, please think about ALL the issues that affect us. Please do not cast your vote because you feel strongly about just one issue. Please try to think about as many subjects that will affect us all for the present and the future.